Channel information
Network Name:AustNET
Channel Name:#University-campus
Last users:1
Last updated:2024-05-02 23:50:31
Current topic:
[+lnrt 50] Welcome To #University-campus ©º°¨¨°º©

Usage graphs
Day | Week | Month | Year
Topic history
2024-01-25 - 2024-05-02
[+lnrt 50] Welcome To #University-campus ©º°¨¨°º©
2024-01-21 - 2024-01-25
[+lnrt 50] Welkome To #University-campus - You can share course topics here.
2024-01-03 - 2024-01-21
[+lnrt 50] %,`%%,`%%,`%%, Welcome To #University-campus `%%,`%%,`%`% %,
2024-01-01 - 2024-01-03
[+lnrt 50] %,`%%,`%%, - Welkome To #University-campus - You can share course topics here. --% `%%,`%%,`%
2024-01-01 (21:33:00 - 21:33:00)
[+lnrt 50] %|%%|%%|%%--  Welkome To #University-campus - You can share course topics here. --%%|%%|%%|%
2023-12-28 (21:32:25 - 21:32:25)
2023-12-23 (13:31:38 - 13:31:38)
[+nrt] %,`%%,`%%, Welcome To #University-campus -We wish you a high-quality chat on AustNet Chat Platform. `%%,`%%,`%