Channel information
Network Name:DarkMyst
Channel Name:#irpg
Last users:14
Last updated:2024-04-16 07:48:09
Current topic:
IdleRPG -
To Register: /msg IdleRPG register <char name> <password> <char class>
To Login: /msg IdleRPG login <account> <password>
/msg IdleRPG help -- for more info

Usage graphs
Day | Week | Month | Year
Topic history
2018-01-21 - 2024-04-16
IdleRPG -
To Register: /msg IdleRPG register <char name> <password> <char class>
To Login: /msg IdleRPG login <account> <password>
/msg IdleRPG help -- for more info
2017-12-31 - 2018-01-21
IdleRPG: To Register: /msg IdleRPG register <char name> <password> <char class>
To Login: /msg IdleRPG login <account> <password>