Channel information
Network Name:GeekShed
Channel Name:#nintendo
Last users:3
Last updated:2024-05-05 17:50:58
Current topic:
[+ntrS] [Anything Nintendo] :: [If you have a question, please ask and be patient. Not all of us are always looking. Thanks]

Usage graphs
Day | Week | Month | Year
Topic history
2023-08-22 - 2024-05-05
[+ntrS] [Anything Nintendo] :: [If you have a question, please ask and be patient. Not all of us are always looking. Thanks]
2023-10-04 - 2024-02-28
[+ntrRS] [Anything Nintendo] :: [If you have a question, please ask and be patient. Not all of us are always looking. Thanks]
2021-11-18 - 2023-01-20
2016-01-25 - 2017-07-24
[+ntrS] Welcome to #nintendo! Please keep subject to Nintendo games only please. Thank you :)
2015-04-01 (22:01:35 - 22:01:35)