Network information
Network Name:W3
IRCD Version:ngircd-26.1
Last users:310
Last mibbit users:1
Last channels:521 Show all channels
Last servers:3
Last updated:2024-04-16 15:56:05

Usage graphs
Week | Month | Year
Message of the day
- - Welcome to the W3C Public IRC server on - - Note: this server is INSECURE; you should assume that anyone could be - listening to anything you say here. - - Activity is logged for potential misuse. - - This server is generally restricted to use by members of the W3C community. - - Users of this service are to adhere with W3C's Code of Conduct: - - - - If you are a W3C Team member, please join the secure server. - - If you have any questions, see: - - - - or contact <>. -